Saturday, March 7, 2009

Upcoming: 2009 DreamYard Art Exhibition

Hey Everyone,

For the past few weeks we have been jurying the work as we prepare to kick off DreamYard's annual art exhibition at Sotheby's. This year we will also be showcasing our work at the Bronx Museum as part of a traveling exhibition.

The jurying of the work is based on a judging criteria which was developed by BAC students. For a piece of artwork to make the cut, it had to meet at least one of the main themes. These themes included:

-The Self (Home, Cultural Heritage, Self Portrait, Symbollism, etc.)
-Place (Living Environment, Habitat, Community, Society, etc.)
-Message (Socio-Political Issues, Social Issues, Words, Story, Statement, etc.)

Along with this, we also judged the artwork based on technical aspects such as color, texture, shading, proportion, tone, etc. depending on the nature of the work and the medium used. We asked ourselves "Is the work age appropriate in terms of child development?" and "Was time put into the work?" "What do we see in this picture?"

The process of jurying took about two days total. This is just one step in the road to Sotheby's. The next steps include framing the selected artwork and curating the actual show. These steps will be discussed in future posts so stay tuned! We hope to see you at the show on Tuesday March 24, 2009...