Bronx Blooms Mural Design
"The Morrisania community is in transformation. We are seeing a revitalization here and want to show that this place is a great place to live. Art is a healing factor in an environment. Murals should invite people to live here, and unite the community. Murals visually stimulate and are powerful, they support a transformation within a community. This is just the beginning, an anchor." - Peter MagistroToday BAC pitched the mural design to Peter Magistro from Bronx Pro. We asked the question: Why are murals powerful and how can a mural support in transforming a community? Some of the responses included:
- Murals create dialogue between members of a community
- Murals are powerful because they make art accessible to everyone
- Murals provide visual aesthetics for a community and provide powerful images that inspire
- Murals support in transforming a community because the entire community will be striving towards a common goal